ilrc fms/payroll services


ILRC’s Payroll Services help people of all ages with all kinds of disabilities hire and employ Direct Support Workers to help them with tasks of everyday living. Examples of these tasks include cooking, cleaning, laundry, providing transportation, balancing personal accounts, or personal care tasks such as bathing or transferring from beds or wheelchairs. Direct Support Workers generally are not trained as nurses or health care workers, but are employed to do the kinds of tasks that make independent living possible.

ILRC’s Payroll Services is here to help. We have more than 25 years of experience in providing payroll and billing services for individuals with disabilities and their DSW through the following Home & Community Based Services HCBS Medicaid Waivers:

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New Customer Requirements

Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. must have an approved “Kansas Person-Centered Service Plan” formerly known as an “Integrated Service Plan” (ISP) from your insurance company prior to completing any paperwork to get services started. Your care coordinator should email this information to Valerie at or  fax it to 316-670-1403

Background Checks

We conduct background checks on prospective workers; provide workers’ compensation insurance; consult with you on personnel issues related to the employment of Direct Support Workers; and provide payroll services, which includes paying Social Security, federal and state withholding taxes. ILRC will also provide the DSW with unemployment insurance and a W2 mailed annually by January 31st.

Who can use ILRC’s Payroll Services program?

Most people enrolled in our payroll services program qualify for payment of their Direct Support Worker through the Kansas Medicaid Home and Community Based Services – Physical Disabilities Waiver program. However, our program is also available to those who qualify under the Frail Elderly, Head Injury, Mental Retardation/Developmental Disability, or other HCBS waiver program. In fact, our services are available to anyone who employs a support worker in their home, whether or not they are eligible to receive Medicaid.

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