ILRC’s Payroll Services Assist Persons of All Ages and Disabilities to Hire Help for Everyday Tasks.
ILRC’s Payroll Services help people of all ages with all kinds of disabilities hire and employ Direct Support Workers (DSW) to help them with tasks of everyday living. Examples of these tasks include cooking, cleaning, laundry, providing transportation, balancing personal accounts, or personal care tasks such as bathing or transferring from beds or wheelchairs. Direct Support Workers generally are not trained as nurses or health care workers, but are employed to do the kinds of tasks that make independent living possible.
We are here to help! Since 1986, ILRC has provided payroll and billing services for individuals with disabilities and their DSW through the following Home & Community Based Services HCBS Medicaid Waivers.
For Direct Support Worker general payroll information including direct deposit, work-related accidents, change of address, and W-2 info – please see our FMS Payroll Frequently Asked Questions.
New Customer Requirements
Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. must have an approved “Kansas Person-Centered Service Plan” formerly known as an “Integrated Service Plan” (ISP) from your insurance company before completing any paperwork to get services started. Your care coordinator should email this information to Valerie at or fax it to 316-670-1403.
Note: New customers must call us at (316) 942-6300 in addition to filling out forms.
Background Checks
We conduct background checks on prospective workers, provide workers’ compensation insurance, consult with you on personnel issues related to the employment of Direct Support Workers, and provide payroll services (which includes paying Social Security, federal and state withholding taxes). ILRC will also provide the DSW with unemployment insurance and a W2 mailed annually by January 31st. Background checks are performed every 2 years.
Who Can Use ILRC’s Payroll Services Program?
Most people enrolled in our payroll services program qualify for payment of their Direct Support Worker through the Kansas Medicaid Home and Community Based Services – Physical Disabilities Waiver program. However, our program is also available to those who qualify under the Frail Elderly, Head Injury, Mental Retardation/Developmental Disability, or other HCBS waiver program. In fact, our services are available to anyone who employs a support worker in their home, whether or not they are eligible to receive Medicaid.
ILRC’s Payroll Services Advantages
ILRC has provided payroll services for attendants who provide personal care since 1986. Our knowledge, experience, and commitment to excellent customer service make us the obvious choice to be your Financial Management Services provider. We offer:
- For enrollment, contact Sabrina at or by phone at 316-942-6300 Ext. 1224.
- Excellent customer service
- Competitive pay for Direct Support Workers
- Weekly pay (Thursday) through convenient and secure direct deposits to your bank account or Visa Payroll card
- Fax, email or drop off correction sheets at ILRC
- Payment of the employer share of workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance premiums
- Maintenance of employment and payroll records
- Accurate tax withholding and year-end reporting to the IRS
- W2s are mailed by January 31
- Worker Registry – ILRC maintains a list of potential workers for those who are looking for a Direct Support Worker (DSW) to hire.
- The person with a disability, or in some cases that person’s guardian, is responsible for selecting, training, scheduling, and supervising their Direct Support Worker. This list is available to our payroll customers.
To be included in this list, Apply for Worker Registry here.
To learn more, please contact our PAS Advocate/Payroll Representative, Sabrina, at or by phone at 316-942-6300 Ext. 1224.
Free Caregiver Training
Do you help someone with daily tasks (housework, shopping, bathing, traveling, or sleeping)? Things can get overwhelming and stressful as a caregiver.
Kansas Caregivers offers training and support to help you improve confidence, reduce stress, prevent burnout, connect with other caregivers, and find resources for a variety of topics. Choose to learn on demand to fit your schedule and in English or Spanish. Find out more here!
Payroll Packets
Before you complete a new direct support worker payroll registration packet. You must know the HCBS waiver the client is on. There are five (5) of them to choose from: PD, FE, IDD, TA and TBI. When printing off a payroll packet please make sure to print it one sided.
If you are unsure which packet to complete, please call Sabrina at (316) 942-6300 EXT. 1224 to find out.
- Corrections Form